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About Us

QuantMan is an online strategy testing and trading platform owned by Simply Algo Fintech Private Limited. QuantMan currently allows the user to backtest any strategy for the past four years and we give a seamless experience by producing quick backtests for any strategy. The easy to use application lets the user to create and test their trading strategy without any coding knowledge. we started our research and development in 2019.

Our Vision and Mission

About 90% of the traders loose their money in stock market mainly due to lack of knowledge and experience.

  • Give traders a safe platform to test their strategies
  • Minimize there losses and increase their profit with the help of technology
  • Increase the odds of profitable trading by analysing data
  • Fill the technological gap between retail and institutional traders
  • Making algorithmic trading accessible for traders with no coding knowledge

Our Experts


A professional trader for the past 8 years. It is his vision to make profit for the traders who loose their money in stock market. His experties led us to create QuantMan

Manoj Kumar

Founder of Thydreamtech, has over 10 years of experience in software development. He is our tech lead who brought our vision to reality.

Start your trading journey with us at www.quantman.in