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Signal Properties:

In addition to configured indicators, we can use the below properties to configure entry/exit conditions.

# Day Of Week

Current Day of week. Usage example, You can configure a condition to execute only on mondays and tuedays.

Day Of Week contains monday,tuesday AND rsi isAbove 70

# Time Of Day

Current Time in the day. 24 Hours Time format hours:minutes:seconds.

Time Of Day isAbove 09:20:00

# Days To Expire

Number of days to expire from current day. If your selected instrument is NIFTY, - nifty options expire tomorrow, then today, daysToExpire will be 1 - nifty options expire today, then today, daysToExpire will be 0

Note: Days To Expire will ignore holidays. (If expiry is day after tomorrow and tomorrow is holiday, then daysToExpire today will be 1)

# Future Last Traded Price

Last Traded Price of the selected instrument's future.

If you have pair strategy, then you will have

  • future item1 Last Traded Price
  • future item2 Last Traded Price

# Equity Last Traded Price

Last Traded Price of the selected instrument's equity.

If you have pair strategy, then you will have

  • equity item1 Last Traded Price
  • equity item2 Last Traded Price